0 - 20 |
Quite a bad score, meaning you could improve with some self help. Maybe boost your confidence and self esteem. See the special programs below. |
20 - 39 |
According to your score, you need to improve. You are emotionally stable but some emotional aspects such as self value and self worth should be attended to. Try the programs below. |
40- 69 |
You are in the average range. You seem to be quite emotionally stable and strong. You are proud and slightly confident, with a good amount of self esteem. Maybe you should look at life in a more positive way and become more optimistic. |
70 - 100 |
Excellent score. Your pride and confidence is blooming. Full of self worth and qualities. You have a good score for emotional intelligence and most probably have many good friends, and a good social life. You would find it easy to pass an interview or to impress someone on a date. Your score reveals that you're influential, positive, extravert, proud, strong, caring, and generally a lovely person. |