Scientists have not discovered a "gay
gene" but have some evidence of maybe a genetic influence.
(see the study below) Others have demonstrated that prenatal
stress hormones with a higher than normal level of DHT maybe
a cause functionality (Dresden Study) In my opinion the cause is irrelevant.
One may have a genetic probability to becoming an alcoholic,
or depressed, but if you stay off booze you're fine.
Likewise one may have a more genetic tendency to become gay,
and more susceptible to homosexuality, but if you have
always associated sexual pleasure, mastur-bation and orgasm
with women and images of females, then it does not mean
absolutely that your gay tendency will flourish.
They also found a difference in hormone levels, and not
forgetting GID (gender identity disorder). see study
This is my personal opinion, and I have
very little scientific evidence to prove it, but if we
simply use some common sense we'll be able to understand why
I have come to this conclusion: Being a homosexual has an
advantage.....we don't make babies! So why would our body
want us to not reproduce? It seems quite obvious to me that
our body doesn't want us to pass on a bad gene, or a type of
hereditary illness. It's obviously something unwanted and
long-lasting. Our intestinal bacteria are excellent at
sending messages to our brain, and they often influence our
taste in food, they can encourage addictions, they can
increase our desire for sex, increase dopamine, endorphins,
and dramatically influence our immune system. Scientists are
only touching the tip of the iceberg with regard to our gut
flora, and are slowly discovering new connections such as
autism, hyperactivity, mental problems, and skin
conditions. Homosexual conversion will not work for
everyone. If you have been bombarded with sexual
associations for many years, and continuously connecting the
male image with desire and pleasure, then the odds for you
trying to stop your homosexuality is very low. e.g.. each time you have sex with a man,
you produce a wide range of "feel good" hormones such as
dopamine, endorphins etc. Your brain will associate the
smell of your mate with feeling good, his male jaw, his
penis, hairy chest, and everything male = feel good, and
these feelings and desires are not easy to quit. A man who has never had sex with a woman,
and finds the idea impossible or even repulsive, will
probably not convert, but can easily increase their gay
pride and self esteem. If you think that your grade of
homosexuality is too high and you imagine that stopping
being gay would be impossible, then the best alternative is
to be free, and to accept yourself as you are now, become
proud, confident, and totally natural, taking away any
negative issues, and all this can be achieved in a few weeks
with the following program Factors which influence the
results: *Age, and time practicing
homosexuality *Previous experience with meditation or
self-hypnosis or a natural ability to reach a deep
of homosexuality
At first I thought that maybe there is a "gay gene" but it's
quite obvious that with such low reproduction in
homosexuals, the gene could not have survived so many
I must add that there is a tribe called the Ngandu where
homosexualtiy is non existent (they know about it, it's not
frowned upon or punished, but simply doesn't
exist)Can You
Become Heterosexual?
*Grade of homosexuality or bisexuality
(sexual experience with women)
"Cab drivers' gray matter enlarges and
adapts to help them store a mental map of the city. Taxi
drivers given brain scans by scientists at University
College London had a larger hippocampus compared with other
people. This is a part of the brain associated with
navigation in birds and animals. The scientists and Dr.
Eleanor Maguire also found part of the hippocampus grew
larger as the taxi drivers spent more time in the
job." The brain can be changed, molded,
trained, just like a muscle. Your emotions and your mind can
be changed too.
Hare, Pascal Bernard, Francisco J. Sanchez, Paul N.
Baird, Eric Vilain, Trudy Kennedy, and Vincent R.
Harley Background:
There is a likely genetic component to transsexualism,
and genes involved in sex steroidogenesis are good
candidates. We explored the specific hypothesis that
male-to-female transsexualism is associated with gene
variants responsible for under-masculinization and/or
feminization. Specifically, we assessed the role of
disease-associated repeat length polymorphisms in the
androgen receptor (AR), estrogen receptor beta (ER?), and
aromatase (CYP19) genes. Methods:
Subject-control analysis included 112 male-to-female
transsexuals and 258 non-transsexual male controls.
Associations and interactions were investigated between
CAG repeat length in the AR gene, CA repeat length in the
ER? gene and TTTA repeat length in the CYP19 gene and
male-to-female transsexualism. Results:
A significant association was identified
between transsexualism
and the AR allele, with transsexuals having longer AR
repeat lengths than non-transsexual male controls. No
associations for transsexualism were evident in repeat
lengths for CYP19 or ER? Individuals were then classified
as short or long for each gene polymorphism based on
control median polymorphism lengths in order to further
elucidate possible combined effects. No interaction
associations between the three genes and transsexualism
were identified. Conclusions:
This study provides evidence that male gender identity
may be partly mediated through the androgen receptor for
transsexuals and gay men. Richard
C. Pillard1, Robert M. Rose1 and Michael Sherwood2,
Boston University School of Medicine, Abstract
Plasma testosterone levels were measured in 28 gay men
and correlated with psychological variables. The overall
mean testosterone level for the homosexuals was somewhat
lower than for a group of heterosexual controls, but the
range of values for the two groups showed considerable
overlap. Among the homosexuals, the 13 with some
heterosexual experience had higher testosterone levels
than the 15 with none, showing that it could be possible
to stop being gay by changing the levels of
testosterone. Finger-length ratios and sexual
orientation Measuring
people's finger patterns may reveal some surprising
information. Animal
models have indicated that androgenic steroids acting
before birth might influence the sexual orientation of
adult humans. Here we examine the androgen-sensitive
pattern of finger lengths-1, and find evidence that
homosexual women are exposed to more prenatal androgen
than heterosexual women are; also, men with more than one
older brother, who are more likely than first-born males
to be gay in adulthood, are exposed to more prenatal
androgen than eldest sons. Prenatal androgens may
therefore influence adult human sexual orientation in
both sexes, and a mother's body appears to 'remember'
previously carried sons, altering the fetal development
of subsequent sons and increasing the likelihood of gay
in adulthood. In
women, the index finger (2D, second digit) is almost the
same length as the fourth digit (4D), although it may be
slightly longer or shorter; in men, the index finger is
more often shorter than the fourth. The greater 2D:4D
ratio in females is established in two-year-olds1.
Because all non-gonadal somatic sex differences in humans
appear to be the result of fetal androgens that
masculizing males, the sex difference in the 2D:4D ratio
probably reflects the prenatal influence of androgen
males. In an
anonymous survey, 720 adults who were attending public
street fairs in the San Francisco area were asked their
gender, age, sexual orientation, handedness, and the
number and gender of children their mother had carried
before them. As expected, men have significantly longer
fingers than women (P < 0.001), and we confirmed
reports that the 2D:4D ratio is greater in women than it
is in men. This
sex difference in 2D:4D is greater on the right hand than
on the left (Fig. 1a), indicating that the right-hand
2D:4D is more sensitive to fetal androgens than the
left-hand ratio. The right-hand 2D:4D ratio of homosexual
women was significantly more masculine (that is, smaller)
than that of heterosexual women, and did not differ
significantly from that of heterosexual men. Thus finger
ratios, like otoacoustic emissions, suggest that at least
some homosexual women were exposed to greater levels of
fetal androgen than heterosexual women. Figure
1 Finger-length patterns vary with gender, sexual
orientation and birth order. 2D:4D
ratio of gay men was not significantly different from
that of heterosexual men for either hand. However,
segregating male subjects based on birth order provided
support for the role of fetal androgens in male sexual
orientation. The more older brothers a boy has, the more
likely he is to develop a homosexual orientation.
Confirming these reports, we also found that only
homosexual men had a greater than expected proportion of
brothers among their older siblings (229 brothers:163
sisters) compared with the general population (106
males) We
found that the male 2D:4D ratio, which is unlikely to be
influenced by social factors, also varies with the number
of older brothers. The ratio was significantly more
masculine in men with two or more older brothers than in
men with no older brothers. There is also a significant
correlation between the number of older brothers and the
right-hand 2D:4D ratio in men. If male subjects are
divided by sexual orientation, the same pattern of
later-born men displaying a more masculine 2D:4D is seen.
Having older sisters has no apparent influence on male
sexual orientation, or on the 2D:4D ratio in men. No
effect of older brothers or sisters on 2D:4D in women was
observed, consonant with reports that older siblings
exert no effect on female sexual orientation. Our
results suggest that events before birth (or even before
conception in the case of older brothers) influence human
sexual orientation. The masculizing right-hand 2D:4D
ratio in homosexual women may reflect fetal androgen
levels that are slightly higher than in heterosexual
women. Gay men without older brothers have 2D:4D ratios
indistinguishable from heterosexual eldest sons,
indicating that factors other than fetal androgen (such
as genetic influences) also contribute to sexual
orientation. Finger measures indicate that men with more
elder brothers, including those men who develop a gay
orientation, might be exposed to greater than normal
levels of prenatal androgen. Although
hyper-androgenization of gay men might not fit some
cultural expectations, homosexual men display several
hyper-masculine characteristics, including a greater mean
number of sexual partners in a lifetime than heterosexual
men, who in turn report more sexual partners than do
women of either orientation. Furthermore, reports that
adult gay men have more circulating androgens, larger
genitalia and more 'masculine' auditory evoked potentials
than heterosexual men, are consistent with at least some
homosexual men being hyper-androgenized. Although
it is possible that the maternal influence on finger
growth of subsequent sons occurs after birth, a prenatal
influence seems more likely because of the extensive
physiological pairing of mother and fetus. The locus of
the maternal 'memory' for previous sons, and the
mechanisms by which fetal development of subsequent sons
is altered, remain unknown. TERRANCE
BREEDLOVE Department
of Psychology and Graduate Groups Neuroscience,
Endocrinology, 3210 Tolman Hall, MC 1650, University of
California , Berkeley, California 94720-1650,
USA see
also various scientific studies for conversion
success here Male
rats were exposed to prenatal (i.e. before they were
born) or postnatal (after they were born) stress, or
both. The prenatal stressed males showed low levels of
male copulatory behavior and high rates of female
lordotic responding. Postnatal stress had no effect. The
modifications are attributed to stress-mediated
alterations in the ratio of adrenal to gonadal androgens
during critical stages of sexual differentiation.
Specifically, it appears that stress causes an increase
in the weak adrenal androgen, androstendione, from the
maternal fetal adrenal cortices, or both, and a
concurrent decrease in the potent gonadal androgen,
testosterone, so by increasing testosterone naturally it
may be possible to stop homosexuality in certain
males. Parental
Stress Feminizes and Demasculizes the Behavior of Males,
Science, January 7, 1972 (83-84)." The present data
support the hypothesis that exposure of pregnant rats to
environmental stresser modifies the normal process of
sexual behavior differentiation in male fetuses by
decreasing functional testosterone and elevating
androstendione levels during prenatal development. During
stress conditions plasma testosterone emanating from the
gonads decreases while adrenal androstendione rises. The
molecular structure of the two androgens, being very
similar, it is postulated that the two hormones compete
for the same receptor sites. Since androstendione is a
less potent androgen than testosterone, the decrease in
male copulatory ability and increased lordotic potential
seen in the prenatal stressed animals of the present
study would be expected. The relative difference in
potency between testosterone and androstendione has been
repeatedly demonstrated. "The
resulting alterations in sexual behavior provide the
basis for an effective population control mechanism,
since offspring so affected would not possess the
behavioral repertoire necessary to contribute to
population growth. Thus, the environment, by triggering
an adrenal stress response, may control the reproductive
capacity of successive generations of differentiating
fetuses and, thereby, population size. "
external link
Receptor (AR) Repeat Length Polymorphism Associated with
Male-to-Female Transsexualism
Testosterone Levels in Heterosexual and Gay
Stress Feminizes and Demasculizes the Behavior of
for sexual reorientation to become
External Information: